In May of 1946, a national magazine named “Coronet” featured an article about a small, rural, Midwestern town titled: “Small Town with Big Ideas”. It described the town as a “tiny island of peace and prosperity in a turbulent world.” The article reported how the spirit of small town America was thriving because of community pride, creative people, and entrepreneurship. The story, read across America by millions, was about Eaton Rapids, Michigan.
That same spirit is being revived today by the Eaton Rapids Development Corporation. This group of investors “with big ideas” has formed to develop the potential of “The Only Eaton Rapids on Earth”. Undaunted by the current economic climate, these investors see the opportunities in a small town that is located in the middle of three major cities and blessed with natural and historical assets that other cities can only dream about.
The focus of the Corporation’s attention is the unique business district of Eaton Rapids. The principal business district is an island formed by the convergence of two rivers. It is an island with many buildings relatively untouched from the 1890’s, and riverfront property that is vacant and unused. It is the small town setting that many so-called “new” communities being built around the edges of major cities today are trying to create from scratch. These “instant town” developers build new “old” buildings, and create artificial waterways to create a “sense of place” for the residents. However, this idyllic setting is already in place in Eaton Rapids, Michigan. It is undiscovered and undeveloped.
The Eaton Rapids Development Corporation’s intent is to purchase and develop under-utilized property on the island business district of Eaton Rapids to take advantage of the river frontage and unique historical downtown. The Corporation will purchase property, renovate as needed, and offer this property to entrepreneurs with a minimum of start-up costs and operational expenses. In other words, the Corporation wants to make it as easy as possible for future retailers, restaurant owners, and business owners to fulfill their dream.
The Corporation’s reason for this venture is a mix of community pride, belief in entrepreneurship, and the knowledge that a successful business generates more successful businesses. They realize that small business is the foundation of the country. The Corporation’s investors see the glass as half-full, even in today’s tough economic times. It is truly an investment in the future… of Eaton Rapids… of Michigan… of the American Dream.